Coverage / observation area & how to expand it

The covered area is circular (360 °), its size varies with the installation height of the sensor.

Überwachungsfläche des occy Präsenzmelders


How to calculate the area: D = 2.22 x H (D= diameter of the observation area, H = ceiling height)

Example: H = 3 meters -> The observation area has a diameter of 6.66 meters

You can quickly and easily expand the monitoring area with up to 5 additional occy sensors

The coverage area of an occy® sensor can be extended by connecting up to 5 more occy® sensors with any standard 2-core cable.

Your benefit: In this way, coverage extension does not require additional inputs on your control system to be used. Long hallways and very large rooms can be monitored with minimal installation effort. All connected sensors work in parallel, i.e. like one sensor with a very large coverage area.  occy Präsenzmelder Flächenerweiterung mit bis zu 5 weiteren occy Meldern

Next: Electrical connection and comissioning >>

occy® Smart Home 7m extension cable
4-core extension cable (jack plug to jack socket).

This increases the distance between the sensor head and the Smart Home Powerpack, e.g. if you prefer the Powerpack in close proximity to your control system.
* €11,50 * SRP
(€13,69 Incl. tax)
occy® smart home Design occupancy sensor 24V dry contact, incl.24V Powerpack potential-free
24V design PIR occupancy sensor / motion Smart Home sensor for Loxone, Homematic, Beckhoff, Comexio, WAGO, etc. mini motion sensor, digital passive infrared (digiPIR) technology
* €93,90 * SRP
(€111,74 Incl. tax)